Tuesday, 28 August 2012

CfSH - Level 6 Design Stage Certificate

We have received the Code for Sustainable Home design stage assessment certificate - officially achieving the top rating of level 6.

It is practically impossible to score maximum points everywhere, however we scored maximum credits in 5 of the 9 sections. We dropped a point in the energy section, most of which should be recovered in the post-construction assessment following the air pressure test. Another point was dropped in materials due to using timber/aluminium composite windows. Points were also dropped in the management section as we chose not to take part in the considerate constructors scheme and key point indicators due to the extra financial costs they would incur. Some points were also dropped in the ecology section, some of which are only applicable for taller developments. There is an extra credit we could achieve through extensive ecological enhancement, should we need to.

We are really pleased and proud of what we have achieved here.

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